
Put Patients at the Heart of Your Organization

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Dealing with medical issues can be stressful, which makes it critical for healthcare organizations to provide empathetic, efficient and personal patient experiences. Kustomer enables you to keep patients healthy and happy by unifying all patient information in a single view, so you can give informed care and answer questions faster. With the highest standards in HIPAA compliance, you can rest assured that patient data is safe and secure so you can concentrate on providing exceptional patient experiences.

Keep Your Patients Covered

With medical professionals now taking a holistic approach to patient care, so should the organizations that they partner with. Kustomer ingests patient data and organizes it in a single timeline view for fast access and more personalized, empathetic patient conversations. Kustomer also uses artificial intelligence to automate manual tasks, route conversations, and allow patients to self-serve when appropriate. As a result, agents are more productive, patients automatically speak to the most appropriate specialist, and your team stays focused on handling the most urgent issues.


On Call, All the Time

Patients want to communicate with healthcare organizations on their terms -— when it’s most convenient and through a channel where they feel comfortable. As a truly omnichannel platform, Kustomer helps you deliver consistent experiences across channels and provides the context to progress conversations forward in real time, even when transitioning to a different channel. Plus, with proactive outreach, you can get ahead of patient issues before they happen.

Keep Patient Data Safe and Secure

Focus on patient-care. We’ll focus on the safety and security of patient data. Kustomer is designed to meet the security, compliance and privacy requirements of any healthcare organization, and with role-based-permissioning, you can rest assured that patient trust remains intact. Learn more about Kustomer security.

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Ready to discover how AI + Data + CRM equals customer magic?

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