Native Omnichannel Support

Reach customers anytime, anywhere

Seamless, integrated support across all channels to boost retention

Companies offering omnichannel support retain 3X more customers compared to companies that don’t.

Remove the friction of fragmented channels

Streamline interactions between customers and agents with single threaded conversations across support channels natively integrated into the Kustomer platform.

Provide complete customer context

Centralize conversational data in one place for your agents to have a complete view of the customer.

Boost agent productivity

Have one place for agents to respond to customers across various support channels for effortless channel switching.

Develop customer advocates

Delight customers with proactive communication on the channel they prefer.

New Native Channel: Voice

Resolve complex issues with a personal touch using voice

Handle complex or urgent issues faster through a live channel that supports a more empathetic customer experience. With Kustomer, voice is natively integrated so agents see the full history of customer interactions across all other channels, not just voice, to better understand the customer journey.

Key voice features:

  • Call recording, muting, holding, transfering
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
  • Call transcriptions and reporting
  • AI call summaries


Send support follow-ups with attachments conveniently via email

Certain customers don’t want to get on a live call or chat for support but prefer email instead. Email supports various formats and length of text for the most flexibility and it can be sent at the convenience of the customer. Kustomer helps agents respond as fast as possible with email conversation shortcuts and built-in spam protection.

Key email features:

  • Dynamic text
  • Visual template builder
  • Custom code editor
  • Team specific templates


Offer the convenience of live chat support

Chat on your website or mobile app is a great channel for sending a quick and short reply to less complex questions from customers. Kustomer even allows agents to send proactive chats to customers to support them before they even realize they have an issue.

Key chat features:

  • Customizable widgets
  • Mobile interfaces
  • Media file attachments
  • Multi-brand support

AI Chatbots

Provide instant, 24/7 support for customers in need

Intelligently automate answers to customer inquiries with AI-powered chatbots that can respond immediately to free up agents to handle more complex cases. With access to up-to-the-minute customer data, our chatbots can provide informed responses, anticipate needs, and offer tailored solutions, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Key AI chatbot features:

  • Predefined intents
  • Automatic intent detection
  • Rule builder


Ensure timely updates and issue resolutions via SMS

Support customers conveniently from their mobile device regardless of their location and Internet access. For some customers, especially those on the go or in remote locations, SMS is the preferred channel for service interactions. Kustomer allows you to send bulk SMS messages proactively to a cohort of customers for greater service efficiency and outcomes.

Key SMS features:

  • Image support
  • Short codes
  • Outbound SMS support


Respond to questions and complaints on social

Protect your brand by engaging with customers who report issues on social channels. Allow your agents to do this from one place and timeline view that doesn’t involve switching between tabs. Kustomer integrates directly with Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp and X and pulls customer conversations across these channels into one timeline view to make it much easier for agents to respond.

Key social messenger features:

  • DMs
  • Public and ad comments
  • Delete comments to your posts

Why Customer's Love Omnichannel

“Having the ability to service across all channels from one place is so much easier for our agents.”

Heather Kunert
Head of Customer Experience | Conrad